Oct 22, 2010

Trigger Phrases and Calming Phrases - Teri's Tip #23

There are words and phrases that tend to incite more frustration and anger with the customer than other words and phrases.  Below are two ways to say the same thing, but the Calming Phrases are a much better way.

TRIGGER                           CALMING
I can’t                                 Here’s what I can do

Let me transfer you             Let me connect you
I don't know                       I will find out
No                                     Let’s look at our options
You should have                 I appreciate why you
The only thing we can do    I believe the best option
You have to                       Let’s do this first….then

It is always important to look through the lens of the customer and ensure you are customer focused to read their emotions and appropriately choose your wording. 

Teri Yanovitch is a leading speaker, trainer and consultant on creating a culture of customer service within an organization. Her firm T.A.Yanovitch, Inc. provides a clear and proven process on how to create this culture of service and helps guide organizations to ensure their success. Through her presentations, workshops and training, Teri has assisted organizations from all industries to differentiate their business through the competitive edge of the customer experience.

Looking for a speaker or workshop to improve and enhance your customer service?
Contact Teri at:  ty@retainloyalcustomers.com

1 comment:

  1. These are really amazing! I like the comparison and the substitute word or phrases for the "Trigger". Also, I want to share this article about Collaborative Customer Service. Just your blog post, it helps me too!


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